Professor Ulysses T. Lazarus

Choosing to keep his birth name a secret, Professor Lazarus, as he is known to the various punters of the Weird West, is a disgraced chemist, geologist, and physicist, having left the hallowed halls of Academia following an accident involving... strange calculations... which left him minus one arm and leaking copious quantities of ectoplasm. Lazarus now wanders parts known and unknown selling "Professor Lazarus's Ectoplasmic Elixir," a strange substance on which he is the only known expert, and rightly so, given that it is gathered from an apparatus of his own design which replaces the hand he lost in the otherworldly explosion. Hailing originally from Arkham, Massachusetts, Lazarus dedicates his time to probing the horrifying mysteries that "go bump in the night," when they aren't feeling too rambunctious, and to combatting gibbering horrors when and where they appear. In his surprisingly lacking down-time, Lazarus performs experiments in Ectoplasmic Research, in an attempt to understand what is happening to his body since the explosion. While others may claim to be "ectoplasmic mediums," Ulysses has little control over the substance, although he has turn a small profit in marketing it as a wonder-salve and panacea to desert-dwelling rubes the world over.

As of late, the Professor (as he prefers) has been dreaming of a strange island of mist and shimmering wells...