Next Book Projects

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2016-12-27 06:57:56,
2017-01-02 08:23:43
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We Did It!

The Adventure short story collection is out now, printed and sent out.

What's next?

We're preparing to do more collections of short stories!

The themes for our next two collections are:

  • Gizmos and Gadgets

Each story should use technology as a major plot device, a lens through which the story is told, a MacGuffin, and/or an important part of a character.

  • Mystery

More self-explanatory, this is a popular genre of fiction which has been done in many different ways. Whether you're writing a story like Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, or Edgar Allen Poe (or otherwise inspired/original) we can't wait to read it!

Wait, which should I write?

The answer... is either one you want to.

We are going to publish these when their own combined stories reach around 300 pages. Whichever reaches that goal first will be published first.