Phinneus Cromwell
Phinneus Cromwell
Antiford Year Born:
4th of Skia 1857
Aboard the Northstar, generally between Titania, Antiford, and Clarusia
Description (Physical):
Somewhat heavy set, though muscular
Rough Height: 5’ 9”
Skin Color/Tone: Light skin, with a tan
Recognizable Features: Short to medium length beard
Description (Personality):
A bit gruff to those who don’t know him, an nearly absent minded inventor by those that do. He is loyal to his friends. Does enjoy frivolity, particularly with those he is close with.
Goal(s): To protect and aide those against the corrupt hands of the Technocracy. To see a more worthy government come to power.
Fear(s): Being alone. Dark, enclosed spaces
Mannerisms: Bites nails when nervous or agitated, has a tendency to lose temper
Religion: None, though he does attend various festivals that have religious/cultural significance.
Place of Birth: Saks district of Gearford, Antiford
William Cromwell (Father)
Catherine Cromwell (née Perry) (Mother)
David Cromwell (Brother, 2 years younger)
Holly Cromwell (Sister, 3 years younger)
Elizabeth Cromwell (née Weller) (Wife)
Relationships (Non-Family):
Boric Elricksen - One of closest friends, served as first mate on Northstar
Nathaniel Rothman - One of closest friends from the Royal Academy, Captain of the Lydia
Steven Copley - Captain of the Prelude
Jonathan Pennington - Bully from Royal Academy, Captain of the Adelaide, Primary rival of Phinneus
Skilled engineer, electrician, and inventor
Speaks Common, Titanian, and a smattering of Prushian
Formal training at Royal Academy. Primary training in mechanical engineering, physics, and chemistry. Studied all available texts on electricity.
Merchant, inventor, and generally a person who sticks their nose where they shouldn’t.
Tends to pace when thinking.
Most Important Moment to Date:
53rd of Firch 1880. The tragic death of Elizabeth.
Most Important Person in their life:
Close friends: Boric, Nathaniel, Steven
Preferred Weapon:
Lightning gun
Member of Brotherhood of Demitrius
Member of Order of the Badger
Tinkering, reading, historical and scientific study