Animals - Flash Fiction Challenge

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2020-04-14 13:12:00,
2020-04-14 16:12:17
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Animal Challenge

Hello everyone.

We hope you are all staying inside and staying safe. I know we are all feeling a little holed up at the moment. Now is a great time for a FLASH FICTION challenge.

The challenge we are doing is one we have discussed but haven't done in a long time. Animals.

Please take a moment and write a short story (around 500-900 words) with the theme 'Animals'. Please try to make it in world and canon. The word limit is only a guideline, if the mood takes you, feel free to write more. If you are having trouble getting to 500, then lower is fine if it works for your flash fiction.

And with that. Good luck. If you would like, feel free to post links to your flash fiction below.