Antiford Writing Month Challenge

a blog
2019-02-06 10:07:49,
2019-02-27 12:48:59
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What is it?

It will be a month-long writing challenge that we all participate in together. I have done NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for many years and the community aspect of it always makes me more productive. This will be more akin to Camp NaNoWriMo - you set your own goal. Could be 50,000 words could be 5,000. Or 500. It doesn’t have to be word count either, you can measure in hours spent working on it, a number of stories you want to finish...big or small you set your own personal goal and then for the coming 31 days you make a commitment to prioritize that goal and completing it.

The main focus is on writing because that is what I originally designed the event for, however, your goal can be for any creative endeavor - art, prop-building, interpretive dance, whatever.

Be realistic about your goal, but also remember this is a time to challenge yourself!


March 1 - 31, 2019 in your time-zone.

How to participate:

Create your own creative goal for the month, and commit to getting it done. Engage with other citizens doing the challenge through blog posts here on the wite, in the Members facebook page, on our discord (in the #nanowrimorr-antiwrimo channel), or on the Citizens of Antiford subreddit. There will be posts throughout February and March.


Mostly, on the interwebs, among the sites listed above. You can write and participate from wherever you are.

There will be weekly write-ins on the discord: the first one will be this Saturday March 2

There will be an in-person writing day: Saturday, March 16 - 155 Fleet St. in Portsmouth, NH. See the fb event page for details.
