Kovy Class
To demonstrate How these are set up or should look, I give you an example from the encyclopedia page on the Kovy class Landship.
Heavy Landship
Hull Type
Double Layer Steel
Length of Hull
12-15 m
10-12 m
Height of Hull
8-10 m
Height Overall
10-12 m
200 tonnes
Crew Complement
20 mph
A large landship fitted with a single 6in cannon and two large caliber Gatling guns. Its hull is in two layers of steel 50 cm thick. Laid between the two layers of the hull is a series of pipe. These pipes are used to capture the heat of the desert and convert the water into steam, to provide power for locomotion.
The ship is an Antiford Specialty, and it's due to these ships that Prushian Troops have never made it far into Antifordian Desert.
Octonaught (Skuttler)
Heavy Landship
Hull Type
Single Layer Steel (Varied)
Length of Hull
15.5 - 18 m
Height of Hull
9-10 m
Height Overall
9-12 m
300 tonnes
Crew Complement
32 mph
A large ship rarely seen in the early days of Landships. They were redesigned, made cheaper, and produced by a small shipyard in Gearford after the Revolution. In 1895 the mechanism which helped synchronise leg movement was also redesigned allowing for more reliability and faster speeds.
The large hull of the ship is mainly empty and it possesses a total of eight steam legs. These traits combined made it perfect for transportation of massive quantities of heavy goods long-distance by walker. However, these traits were undermined by the railroad. Instead, many smugglers and for-hire crews armored the legs to make makeshift shields and outfitted their models with large engines to utilize the leg power for higher speeds.
Rarely are the outfitted with weapons, but it is fairly easy to get steam rifles and automated steam weapons plugged into the exposed steam system on board and use some of the many openings on the ship to shoot from. At least one was sighted with a small cannon sticking out of the front like a Kovy class ship, but chance are that would’ve sacrificed stability and cargo space for the cannon.
These are not a rare sight in towns or areas far away from the major rail lines. Some adventurous owners have even been known to strip the armor and add insulation and take their Scuttlers up North to Titania and Manenlande where the distribution of weight means they can carry heavier loads across the frozen ice at decent speeds.
Country Liner
Heavy Landship
Hull Type
Single Layer Steel (Varied)
Length of Hull
18 m
Height of Hull
11 - 12 m
Height Overall
11.5 - 13 m
400 tonnes
Crew Complement
20 - 23
10 - 43 mph
Using Dreadnaught Wheels these massive ships wander the desert and badlands of Araz. A fairly new invention, these Country Liners take inspiration from the new Steam Ocean Liners and sacrifice maneuverability for speed. Usually moving point to point, these ships can cruise flatland carrying massive amounts of passengers and cargo.
Developed in 1896, only a handful of these Liners have ever been seen in Antiford and Mercia, however as orders come in from parts of Antiford, the new Prush Empire, Mercia, and even as far as an order placed for the Kantebury Empire in Kwazulite, it’s expected this style of Landship could start becoming popular.
Many known problems with the style already is maneuverability, where making a drastic change in course could force the liner to stop completely. The massive weight of the ship has also been known to get them stuck in dunes farther west of Antiford. In 1897, however, some adjustments to the tracks added cross spikes sticking out horizontally to better distribute the weight on the wheels.
MK4 Prushian Armored Landship
Prush Empire
Heavy Landship
Hull Type
Single Layer Steel
Length of Hull
20 m
21 m
Height of Hull
15 m
Height Overall
12 - 14 m
200 tonnes
Crew Complement
14 - 19
21 mph
In the days of the old Prushian Empire, these Landships aided the Imperial Forces in patrolling the Empire, crowd control, and protection against combatants. Their entire military nature ensured they were not targets for pirates by doubling as transports.
However, the vast majority of these Landships were destroyed in the Antiford-Prushian Prodigious War. They were costly to maintain and produce, and other, more efficient vehicles and methods, were invested in instead. By the time the war was over, few remained to go against the revolutionaries. The newly established Prush Confederacy saw the MK4 as a symbol of the Monarchy, and didn’t invest in production of many more. All remaining MK4 Land Ships were destroyed in the Prush Reunification War. Some pirates and collectors may still own a working MK4, but mostly their carcasses can be found in the Prush Confederacy’s Badlands.
Their large front wheel provided great power and stability to the Landships and allowed them to drive over many obstacles. They were versatile, often outfitted with a variety of weapons and armaments and able to take on many combatants.
** Needs Eric’s help. I tried to comb through all he had plus actual specs of the Tsar Tank to make an entry that makes sense but it needs too much from him. He has barely any information on it.
Prushian Emperor Class Landship
Prush Empire
Super Heavy Landship
Hull Type
Double Layer Steel
Length of Hull
30 m
31 m
Height of Hull
30 m
Height Overall
20 1/2 m
350 tonnes
Crew Complement
20 - 30
15 - 18 mph
Secretly developed by the Prushian monarchy before the revolution, these super tanks were the answer to the Prodigious War Stalemate. However, with the high cost, high secrecy, and the sheer amount of time it took to construct, none saw battle before the Prushian Empire tore itself apart in revolution.
Only a single Landship was left in working order before the Prushian Emperor liberated it for his new ship. This was the only Emperor class landship to see combat, and it held its own gallantly.
Heavier armor, more guns, more power, and more crew meant this was the next stage of the MK4, but more isn’t always better. Their sheer cost and manpower to operate makes it unlikely this class will be put back into production.
** This whole thing needs Eric’s approval. There is even LESS on this ship.
Steam Ram (Rumbler)
20 - 45 mph
1-2 persons
2 - 4 m
Height Overall
2 - 2.5 m
Although fairly new, these contraptions have become a necessity for bandits and gangs running wild in the Western Territories of Antiford and Prush. No one knows where the designed first started, but mechanics inspired by the Steam Bike began modifying farming contraptions into this behemoth of a bike.
It is designed by taking two large heavy duty wheels in the very front, close together, creating a large and intimidating monowheel, with a smaller, normal steambike wheel in the back. The two large wheels provide protection for the rider, but also block view. This designs allows these Steam Rams to ram into potential targets like other steam bikes, landships, or carriages with great force.
Although there’s a lot of raw power and potential for these vehicles, they tend to not have a great deal of fuel storage, and they burn through their fuel quickly traveling at the great speeds they can achieve. This leaves them mostly short ranged, with folks in towns and cities using them for their power and bandits and outlaws in the open using them as an ambush vehicle.
Clockwork Sled
Light Landship
Hull Type
Iron/Brass/Steel Framework
Length of Hull
1.8 - 2.5 m
1.5 - 3 m
Height of Hull
.3 - .8 m
Height Overall
1.4 - 3 m
2 - 10 tonnes
Crew Complement
2 - 8 mph
A wonderful and older form of transportation, the clockwork sled was an old Paorrean creation to make a self propelled cart that could help move massive amounts of goods like lumber, harvests, or mining materials. Although it started as an assisted cart, helping pack animals carry heavier weights, the technology soon evolved to be able to move large quantities on their own.
The cart has one seat where an operator directs the direction of the sled, and two hand brakes for either of the tracks. The rest is a massive open space for goods. Beside the operator’s seat is a massive crankshaft, which winds up the clockwork springs inside the sled. Recently, a new machine run with steam can wind a sled in mere moments instead of the minutes and minutes of time cranking an operator might have to do normally. It moves forward on either one or two sets of caterpillar tracks propelled by the clockwork workings inside.
The sled’s inner clockwork pieces are easily bought from any tinker or watch maker, but they are also easily soiled or jammed with muck, sand, or foreign objects. This, unfortunately, limits where the sled is most useful. For example, Clockwork Sleds are a rare find in the country of Antiford as the sand, dust, and dirt of the country easily clog and damage the gears and clockwork, making a sled unreliable or solely useless compared to a chanka drawn cart or carriage.
Haakar Walker (Mechaza)
8 - 10.5 mph
Light Walker
1 persons
2 - 2.5 m
Height Overall
3 m
After the Decline of the precious Ghaza population, the Kantebury Empire commissioned a technical marvel to replace the role of Ghaza in military positions. After several failed experiments, it was a Jhardhandi artist who built the first prototype for a mechanized Ghaza. It was based off the novelty ‘Mechanized Horse’ gaining popularity in Paorr at the time. The Kanteburian Military purchased and took over the design, eventually making a walker not built for speed, but utility and support.
The Haakar Walker has a trunk made up of heavy tubing and powerful springs that keep it curled and up under the head. However, this can be unfurled by filling the trunk with steam pressure. The strength of the springs allows for the controlled curling/uncurling to lift heavy things like lumber, metal scrap, or supply crates. The trunk can also be used as a flail and can release over pressurized steam as a whistle and used for communication (it being able to make three pitches). Where the tusks would be are one of two things depending on the configuration of the Haakar Walker; Two small Gatling Guns with three barrels for squad support or a heavy rack for storing additional cargo (more than the trunk can hold itself).
The rider sits into a very shallow saddle in the style of a steam bike, with controls at their hands in the back of the “head” and pedals at their feet. The rider can lean forward to conceal their body behind the rise of the “head” or can sit straight up for a raised view of the area around them. The combat models also have shields that can be extended and retracted out of the side of the head (nicknamed “ears”) that can be used to shield the rider from harm. A skillful and brave operator can use these tactic to shield their unit from incoming fire while returning fire with the twin guns.
It’s main purpose in the Kanteburian unit is as support or observation for officers. Unless in special circumstances, usually an officer or a Perdadu will be operating a Haakar Walker in a commanding or support role for their units. Special Haakar Walker operators are also trained for heavier combat rolls or to replace officers if the need arises. Their single operator ensures not a lot of manpower needs to be dedicated to its operation and it can fit in small squads or large companies all the same.
Although popular in the Kantebury Empire, other Nations have rarely seen the benefits of this machine and have not gone to any lengths to copy or research it. However, the effectiveness of these machines in domestic and combative uses have elevated them to a symbolic stature in the Empire.
Steam Tractor
Mechanisierter Traktor/ Gufuvel / Zelezo
1 - 6 mph
Light Tractor
1 person
3 - 8 m
Height Overall
3 - 7 m
Whatever name it goes by, the mighty Steam Tractor has been a staple of steam power in Paorr and then in Araz. Its simple design and great power drastically changed how farming and land transport was handled.
Even after decades of use and improvements, its basic design and function has not changed. Being made of either one or two large steam engines on four durable pedrail wheels. The furnace is right at the back, with all the controls for the engineer. A small coal compartment is also stored in the back, although many long-term use tractors have a coal cart behind them.
After the popularity of railroad steam engines, these tractors were found more on farms, construction sites, and in Militaries. The massive pedrail tires mean it’s perfect for uneven, or rough terrain.