So.... this could be seriously outdated now but I worked on all this WAAAAAAAAY back and was told it was good but then nothing was ever done with it and then Discovery Day.
Please ignore this if any of it contradicts the works of the Founders, Wrathchild, or anyone elses' stuff. However, I wanted to share the following with you all.
Political Levels
1. Technocratic Council
2. Federal Level
a. House of Engineers
b. House of Commons
3. City Mayor
4. City Council
5. Civil Serviceman
6. Citizen
This diagram dismisses Military Ranks or service in the political structure. You may assume high ranking Military officers rests somewhere between Mayor and the Government Level. Otherwise, assume any member of this list with military service is slightly above a member of the same rank without military service.
Nate Note: This system and subsequent entries may change due to discovery day.
On the Ground Floor
On the ground floor
In a city, like Argenstrath or Gearford, there are two caps to the local government. The lowest level is the lowly citizen. Being a citizen of Antiford involves a lengthy immigration procedure or to be born of citizen parents. The top of the City hierarchy is the City Mayor, who has direct oversight over all happenings in their respected city, and they usually need to report to the Federal level or Technocratic Council on anything regarding the city workings.
The first step in an average citizen’s journey through politics is usually through civil service. Police service is the ultimate form of “Metropolitan Service”. The officers for the Police Force are next in line. This is the next step in political movement, now as you move into a position of service into one of command. Usually they will either quickly ascend or spend their entire career heading upward. However, the goal for anyone with political aims is to either become the Chief Commander or jump into the city council.
Sometimes they enter through other civil services. Working in archives and record keeping can sometimes lead to being knowledgeable enough to be on the city council. Medical personnel can also be allowed on city councils, and often times medical volunteer service ends up helping humanitarian aid. Public works, like being in the fire brigade, the emergency sand cleanup, and humanitarian aid (like orphanage or shelters) are other positions which can earn someone notoriety and kick start their political career.
All of these earn spots on city councils. City councils often require that the business leaders of the city play an active roll in the city politics and civic services. Leaders of successful or profitable businesses in a city are often required to attend one council meeting a month, with representatives attending every meeting they cannot. In Astam, for instance, the council would insist on heads of the railroads, train and landship manufacturing companies, and other distinguished business men (Like Buford Automatons) to be present.
Metropolitan Level
Metropolitan Level
The political level officially starts with working your way on a council. Sure, community councils or group council may exist, but we must focus on actual City councils. The city council is made up of important figureheads within the city. Each city may appoint as many or as few councilmen as they wish. Next there are chairs. Chairs are councilmen who are “experts” in their field. Usually, chairs are appointed by the needs of the city. They are voted into office on the council (with the exception of Mayor who is guaranteed a seat).
In Argenstrath, their council consists of multiple chairs:
Chair of Transportation
o Air Transportation
o Railroad
o Roads and Walking Paths
o Transportation Registration
o Ports (Docking Capacity)
Chair of Civility
o Policing Force
o Emergency Services
o Fire/Sand Departments
o House and Building Codes
o Homeless and Orphan rates
Chair of Commerce
o Business registration
o Taxes
o Export/Imports
o Ports (Freight)
o Labor Codes
Chair of Education
o Scholarships/Grants
o Diploma Ratification
o Test Scores
Mayoral Chair
Chairs act as experts in their fields, not as an authority. Chairs bring their expertise to ensure that the Council is educated on the subjects they deal with. Chairs are voted on (in some respects) but chair candidates are appointed by the Mayor. Often times chairs are re appointed between mayors or reelected.
The Mayor is not on the Council, per-say, but he does attend most major meetings and major decision making. Mayors are above the city council. They are elected by the people, but are heavily influenced by Celebrities. It is the Mayor’s job to be very knowledgeable about his or her city, and they are often the final authority on ratifying city regulation codes or small laws. He does not have the power to object federal laws or regulations. The mayor also attends major meetings of the Federal Houses to represent his or her city. Unless in dire situations, the Mayor reports directly to the federal level.
Federal Level/ Celebrities
Federal Level
-needs founder approval-
Federal Level needs a lot more work from you guys. I assume there may (or may not) be some form of senate or Federal Council…
Eventually this would give way to the Technocratic council, which you have in the Encyclopedia eventually.
UPDATE: You can put in a stopper here that says there are the houses (House of Engineers and House of Commons) and then above them is the Technocratic Council.
From old Paorian “Celebrius”, the word means “Person of Great Influence”. Often referring to someone of such great fame or notoriety that they are influential in their communities. On a political level, this is someone who can influence political agendas, campaigns, and even aid in public opinion of politics or a political figure. Often times Celebrities are people of means, often in the headlines. Royalty, wealth, decorated generals and revolutionary inventors.
For example: In Argenstrath, Political Celebrities would be Former Mayors, the Baron Delgado, the Police Department Chief, and/or any nation renown doctors. Mayoral Candidates, Councilmen Candidates, and even young starts into politics will/must get the approval of these figures to guarantee their political career.