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Short Story Challenge!

I call you out! Short Story Challenge!


Flash Horror

As the sunlight dwindles in Antiford, the light of the moons illuminate the horrors of the world.


Flash Fiction—Springtime!

Who's ready for another burst of stories? Dust off your keyboards and prepare to write.


Airship Flash Fiction Challenge

A flash fiction challenge about Airships!

Prime Minister Flash Fiction Challenge

The flash fiction challenge for individual reactions to the new Antiford Prime Minister.

Good Technocrat Challenge

Flash fiction challenge to write a protagonist that works for the Technocracy or truly believes in their philosophy.


Fall Flash Fiction- Fiction Cleanup

It's that time again for another attempt at a Flash Fiction Challenge. This fall, the founders have requested we add to existing challenges with a twist.


Loss and Mourning

The next Flash Fiction challenge has us looking at the darker side of our world. Loss and Death.


FLASH Fiction Challenge- Food

Welcome to another Flash Fiction Challenge. This theme: Food. Good Food. Bad Food. Home Food. New Food. Food Food Food.

Animals - Flash Fiction Challenge

We're all stuck inside. Now it's time to write a story. We've been meaning to focus on the Fauna of Antiford for a while.