An Introduction
We are all familiar with character creation sheets. “Where is your character from?”, “what is their goal in the story?” While these help develop the basics of a character and the basic outlines of your story, it may not be helpful to think about your character abstractly, to think of them as a well rounded individual, or help inspire you to create with that character.
This challenge is all about your character in abstract. Have fun and define your character with things outside the box. Not all of the suggestions are required to take part in this challenge, but please try to do a minimum of five for a full and interesting experience.
Choose a Few Suggestions
Pick a suggestion below. Find something that fulfills the requirement. Describe why you feel like it describes your character. Try a challenge for some extra thinking!
Please list any references if you did not link to the item directly.
List of suggestions:
- Pick a song (Link to YouTube)
Challenge- Choose a song where the lyrics may not be about their profession or viewpoint of the world)
Challenge- Choose a color that is not their favorite.
- Pick a picture of a landscape (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose a landscape that is not where they live.
- Choose a (movie, book, theatre) genre and list 3 examples
Tip- the genre does not have to be the one you write in, but what you think would best represent the character
- Record or link to a dance (Link to Youtube)
Challenge- Don’t use the song you picked for another suggestion.
- Paint or Draw a picture of your character
Challenge- Don’t draw the character themselves, but an abstract representation of them.
- Choose an animal (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose an animal that is not their favorite.
- Choose a vintage advertisement (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose a era-appropriate advertisement
Challenge-Create an entire reading for your character.
- Choose a plant (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose a plant that is not their favorite (for example favorite flower.)
- Choose a drink (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Include the recipe if it's a cocktail or other type of drink that can be made (ex- smoothie)
- Choose an insect (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge-Choose an insect you have never heard of before. (Do some research!)
- Choose a food dish (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Include the recipe to make it
- Choose a famous painting (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose a painting from an artist you have not heard of.
- Choose a machine (Vehicle, Industrial, or Home machine) (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge- Choose an era-appropriate machine
- Choose a piece of Jewelry (Link to picture, or include reference if uploaded)
Challenge-Choose a piece of jewelry that your character wouldn't typically wear
Challenge- Make a palette that is multi-chromatic (not just a range of colors)