Titanian Language 101

a guide
in-progresscanonstrong language
2018-09-13 14:21:20,
2018-09-13 20:24:25
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Herein you will find a simple introduction to the language of the Yeti people. It is meant to give you a solid foundation upon which to build vocabulary and be able to read in the native written language and construct basic sentences. Hopefully at the end of this guide you will be able to hold simple conversations and by able to speak about yourself and ask questions. This introduction will provide you with some background on our language as well as some notes on the structure and contents of this guide.

On Structure:

This guide is comprised of six units, each with 2-3 lessons within them. Each lesson will introduce a specific grammatical component or focus on a set of vocabulary with a central theme. There will be two exercises per lesson to help you grasp the material covered. Additionally, there will be a more difficult exercise at the end of each unit for further practice and cumulative review.

There are two examinations: one at the mid-way mark and one at the end. Each of these will be cumulative. This is a self-motivated guide, so there is no requirement to do any of the exercises, though they will help you become comfortable with the language.

There will be four ways new language will be introduced to you: vocabulary sets, grammar, important phrases, and verb conjugations.

Vocabulary sets will be shown in a blue box.

Grammar is indicated by a green box.

Verbs and Conjugations will be shown in a red box.

Important phrases will be in a yellow box.

Cultural remarks will be in indicated by a purple box*.

*(These are not necessary to know but they do enhance the experience by providing background and context. You may skip these if you don’t care, I promise I will only be slightly offended.)


On Orthography and pronunciation:

For common letters which orthographically translate to multiple sounds, we need a way to distinguish one sound from another. For these letters, a circumflex (Û) will be used to mark soft sounds (consonant or vowel), in orthographic translation, to make it easier to see the distinction without native characters. An umlaut (Ü) will be used to indicate accented hard vowels*. There will be a table that elaborates on this in Lesson 1. Orthographic translation allows the language to be used without use of native characters, though I strongly recommend you do not rely solely on the orthographic transcriptions, since most texts and signs in Titania only use native script.

When introducing new vocabulary there will be a standard format to make pronunciation easier. Periods in between words demonstrate how a word is broken up syllabically. Capital letters will show stressed syllables, for example, let's look at a word in the common language you are likely already familiar with:



*Except for the hard A, which will be denoted by an ‘AA’ instead of an umlaut to be consistent with the common methods of translating. See chart in Unit 1 for details.

On Dialect:

For the purposes of this guide, we will use the modern Titanian dialect. There are many dialects, depending on regional and ancestral background, however, this is the most common and wide-spread. Modern Titanian is the standard dialect taught in schools, both in Titania and elsewhere. Since this is an introductory guide, it will not expand upon other dialects. However, if you are curious about the variations in some common phrases, see Appendix II.                                      

Course Objectives

The goal of this guide is to provide a practical knowledge base for anyone who wants to converse in Titanian. I hope that by the end of this course, you will be able to:

·       Read and write using the native alphabet

·       Know basic grammatical rules and how to structure a sentence.

·       Introduce and describe yourself and others and tell someone what you like or dislike

·       Speak about events or activities in the present and past tense

·       Ask and answer questions and give directions

·       Express opinions and compare things

·       Conjugate several types of regular verbs