A city-state built on the train tracks crossing the Prodigious Canyon.
Conwell was founded in 1833 as independent unnamed settlements by Conner Fielding of Antiford and Wilfred Mattock of Prush. The primary purpose was to provide support to the half mile long train bridge between the two countries. The train allowed trade between the cities of White Haven and Galdstat.
In 1848, when tensions began to rise between Antiford and Prush, the two settlements, deciding that the inevitable conflict between their respective countries had no bearing on them, they joined together and declared independence from both. Their declaration was successful due to the fact that they were isolated and both Antiford and Prush would be happy of a neutral party to enforce one of the few boundaries the countries shared.
Conwell imposed a tariff for trains that used the bridge. Utilizing this new source of income, they began to expand the town. However, they were unable to expand further into either country, so they built out on the tracks.
Constructing airship docks that extended down into the canyon, Conwell became a trade port for those who wanted to avoid the watchful eyes of other governments. Due to their neutrality, somewhat relaxed laws, and lack of extradition policy, it quickly became home to wanderers, criminals, bounty hunters, and pirates.
Currently, the man in control of Conwell is Daniel Walsh, the grandson of Conner Fielding. He maintains order through the use of his Law Keepers. These individuals are primarily bounty hunters, former military or former law officers. Chief among them are August Booth and Geoff Karn.
A series of laws was put into effect in 1858, after the death of Fielding, Mattock had died four years earlier. The laws are a code of conduct that is enforced by the Law Keepers. The following are the general rules within the code.- Soldiers on active duty from another state are not permitted to enter. This is to maintain sovereignty. Should an individual know of soldiers disregarding this rule may turn them in for a bounty. The soldiers must be alive at the time of the bounty being paid.
- If any individual, or organization, is found to be plotting against the welfare of Conwell or its interests, the punishment is public execution.
- If any individual is caught in the act of thievery, they shall be punished immediately. For theft of personal property, the individual shall be imprisoned for no less than one week. For theft of property from a business, they shall be imprisoned for no less than two weeks and may suffer the loss of their non-dominant hand. Imprisonment and other punishments become more severe with multiple recurrences. If the theft is of property belonging to Conwell, the punishment is at the discretion of the Law Keeper detaining the criminal, but is not less than loss of the non-dominant hand and one month imprisonment.
- Un-warranted murder shall be punished by public execution.